At A Glance
Released: 5/6/14
Reviews: 3,164, net overwhelmingly positive, as of /2023
English Reviews: 1,411
Localized in:
Had Publisher: no
Majority of reviews:
English ~31%
Russian ~22%
Turkish ~8%
Price: $8.99
Review report:
Negatives: too short, not that scary, predictable and too linear
Positives: a particular scene and character in the game were so far beyond what anyone imagined it’s been forever seared as a pinnacle of disgust and terror, (not many other useful reviews)
Back in the daylight, the scaffolding is still accessible but the ladder is down and the players cannot jump, smart
Some docs aren’t animated since they are outside FOV
Torture room is just an isolated area very close to spawn, not connected to remaining game though
Torture room is still there while he is typing up the email
Animation of the guards securing Gluskin are lacking, hiding the bodies makes it unnecessary to show them at 100%
Security guard runs into an inaccessible room but doesn’t disappear, why?
Should save resources?
Two guards talking, the one facing away has no lip sync, not needed
He is animated though
Loading into the foggy courtyard seems to be a completely different area
When Waylon falls through the roof, the outer part is still fixed and unbroken
From the inside it is broken in, outer mesh isn’t changed
Savior was animated sneaking up on Gluskin
When Waylon threw on his clothes the transition was instant, maybe mesh swapping
Animations for the rope are interesting, most of it is flat, but some of it seems to be influenced by physics
There is also a large amount of slack around Gluskins body
Gore on Gluskins body is a decal, nothing on his backside
At the basement level down the stairs there is a square of daylight, overlooked?
The ending section with the laptop is buried beneath the asylum, its not in another level or anything
Miles actually has a face on the Walrider nanobots, but it’s untextured
Meet a doctor trapped in a decontamination chamber, patient walks in and kills him
Said he was a patient that found a doctors outfit, but it’s impossible to know if he was lying or not
Security tells Waylon to fuck off, and as he leaved the door closes
The next area is a cannibal confrontation, this forces logic of guard securing his hiding spot while also forcing the player to move into the next scarea
Scare Factor
Still just as terrifying if not more so than the base game
An excellent addition to the main game and filled a large hole in the narrative of the base game ending that people may have been unhappy with