At A Glance
Released: 10/4/21
Reviews: 42, net mixed, as of 8/2023
English Reviews: 21
Localized in: English
Had Publisher: No
Majority of reviews:
English ~49%
Spanish ~11%
German ~9%
Price: $2.99
Review report:
Negatives: too short for price, enemy AI is dumb
Positives: scary, good graphics, intensity builds quickly
Key to room is right on the desk, pick up with F
Starts banging on door, seems like infinite (gives you time to run)
Crawl through vent to another bloody room
Crawling is slow
Transition to a shed full of hanging meat
There’s no door, how did bad guy get in? (open vent)
Found a door and automatically transitioned to new area
Bad guy footsteps audible, music is fitting
He's running around kind of goofy
Enemy pathfinding is off, circling the car was enough to make him give up and be off
Cam shake plays when he grabs you, one shot kill, back to spawn
3 collectibles before end (keys, lockpick, fuse)
No sound when mousing over UI elements
Footsteps sound weird, like from an old SH game
Light knocking on door doesn’t match how much the door is moving
Slams aren’t in time with door animation
Bad guy is also out there idling
Very good animation of getting out of car, first-person
No sound/music, immediately after getting out
I can see rain drops on ground but no SFX and no droplets
Looks like the level just ends at a certain point beyond the toll
Really nice pictures of dessert on the wall, almost doesn’t fit
Inside room 14 there is a point light above the bed on wall but I can’t see a light fixture etc.
Door animation bugs out when opening/closing really fast
I can see through the drapes who is knocking
Blood in every room but no bodies
Escape to an entire back area
Run down stairs and the guy jump scares you from behind (door slams were still audible)
Meat packing plant
The conveyor bars look like rolling pins, I think that’s what they actually are
In the room with hanging pigs there is a light flickering
I swear when the light turns off the bodies drop a little bit
When rounding corners there is a small visual bug
Floating lights used to illuminate vents
2 cutscenes showing getting in car and busting out, then driving away
Main menu starts as an in-game deal, love these
Options have everything for graphics, controls, but no audio
Free to explore everywhere so i ignored the objective and checked out the news van
Grisly scene, blood everywhere, creeping me out
Got scared by my own footsteps
Scare Factor
One door is interacted with jumpscare occurs and you look out the peephole
Credits have no names, just the company
Game got an update after launching, added bug fixes? And a driving minigame at the ending
A decent-enough game if the player isn’t scrutinizing details
Did well for YT, decent fodder
Scares were effective when scripted