At A Glance
Released: 10/10/18
Reviews: 2020, net very positive, as of 7/2023
English Reviews: 1,298
Localized in: English
Had Publisher: No
Majority of reviews:
English ~64%
Russian ~10%
Spanish ~5%
Price: Free, paid $1 DLC to keep game in library
Review report:
Negatives: Story is disconnected and not enough for players (no real idea of what’s happening), lacking gameplay besides walking around, game was too short
Positives: Graphics and atmosphere were good, some players liked the story
Restricted to walking around a bedroom and hallway to view changes over the course of playtime
No music present
Effects were very good, everything looked photo-realistic because of the camera
Camcorder UI gives it a grainy, crusty look like the footage is old
Starts out with guy standing in his apartment with a camcorder
Story is told through cut segments of recordings
YOU play the murderer
Murderer types always seem to have a radio playing their murder theme song (Usually classical music)
Scare Factor
Buildup with the apartment going from well-lit to dark, loud knocking when the police show up
Also subtle changes (blood on the walls, fallen decorations, different lighting
Made with Unity
Game only runs for 5 minutes and 30 seconds
It seems like the paid DLC option didn’t attract many buyers (less than 10 reviews as of 7/2023)
The game had an atmosphere that I appreciated personally, and I was shocked to see how well the game came out for only having two rooms