At A Glance
Released: 12/6/19
Reviews: 520, net very positive, as of 8/2023
English Reviews: 423
Localized in: English
Had Publisher: No (Publisher is himself)
Majority of reviews:
English ~70%
German ~6%
Russian ~4%
Price: $3.99
Review report:
Negatives: only 1 jumpscare, no saves, graphics are mediocre, jumpscares are predictable, boring, annoying and tedious
Positives: short, creepy, good atmosphere, puzzles are good, story is good,
Wake up with camcorder and NV
Totally dark hallway and really weak NV
Turned a weakness into a strength
Door opens as i walk back to main area
After ringing bell and trying to leave it prompts me to ring it again, and creepy subtle music starts playing
Excellent way of ratcheting up tension
Music stops when bell is rung
Door opens after ringing bell again and some good tension-building ambience plays
Ambient music has been playing for awhile now, coupled with heartbeat that i didn’t notice
Music stops when bell is rung
No difference in sound on rug vs. wood
Ambient music also not present
Approaching common area there is humming or laughter
Eventually stops, no loop
Jumpscare and chandelier falls, ‘cutscene’ where the text is displayed
Arrive in elevator, textures on wall look a bit stretched
Nice yard can be seen through the windows, no leaves are moving, very still, almost synthetic? Feels wrong
Sunny though, calm before the storm
Outside windows there is space where the fence appears to stop, the unity default skybox appears, and there are a couple floating primitive objects
Light explodes as i walk away from door
Office is an impossible space, earlier the window revealed this area was out in the open
Marcys head was sticking out of the bathtub curtains
There is an option to pull it back, but the character refuses
No options in the start menu, only play/quit (With numbers?
Gives warning about flashing lights and length of game ~50 minutes
Very few notes thus far, but they seem to serve plot well
Do people actually enjoy notes?
Message in blood said ‘come upstairs’
The door at the bell leads to a basement, ambient bass
After looking at a guide it appears the game cannot be beaten without getting 10 photos of Marcy for an item that progresses the game
Scare Factor
Front door closes when approaching, queues breathing and heartbeat
Heading back inside, bell is rung as i get closer
Peeking in a door reveals enemy jumpscare, got me
I assumed i would just be able to walk in the room
Mannequins are all over the place, I don’t know why they are such a big thing in games
Marcy was at the end of the hallway, head freaking out
Expecting jumpscare, mannequins quietly rolled out
Watching security cams revealed Marcy (she stood still for a long time, thought something broke)
She traveled up the room i was in, stood outside
Went back to the bathroom and there was just a mannequin in the tub, then when i walked out Marcy attacked from a corner
Woke up to an alarm and all the lights go out
Shortly after Marcy starts muttering nearby and moves
A nice short experience that worked well with the minimal environment and building tension to prep a scare for the player