At A Glance
Released: 10/22/22
Reviews: 3,160, net very positive, as of 8/2023
English Reviews: 1,407
Localized in: English, Russian
Had Publisher: No
Majority of reviews:
Russian ~40%
English ~40%
Spanish ~4%
Price: $8.99
Review report:
Negatives: game consists of merely walking around and gets clunky, cheap jumpscares, very short
Positives: very scary, heartfelt ending, excellent sound design
Same movement system as before
Camcorder is picked up and kept off until ‘F’ key is pressed
UI is minimal, only a REC and zoom bar
NV on/off makes a sound
Zoom in/out makes a sound
To start, there are only 3 rooms to explore (bathroom, main, and hallway)
After wandering the same rooms the hallway door closes and locks me in
Subtle changes keep happening like dolls being misplaced, moved, or removed entirely, may increase uneasiness for people who don’t notice
Jumpscare occurs and camera glitches (sounds like man screaming)
All doors unlock and phone rings
Forced me to look in a room until i found a box, then had me bring it back to campsite
Perfect chance to jumpscare, and that's what happened
Was also able to turn on camcorder even though box was held with two hands
Had a lot of trouble finding where to put the fuse, it was back in the main room
Key on nightstand, camera forced to look at it
An astounding amount of gameplay was created from just 4 rooms and a hallway
Lots of creaking, footsteps, door opening, and chewing
There doesn’t appear to be a 3D world outside, it’s a skybox
Camp girl is sitting by the candles (same model reused?)
Same splash screen with Lisa model
Menu is the same as Find Yourself
Into the game the company name is words in the real world
Starts with premise of vlogger exploring places
There is a cutscene that flashes back to previous game locations
After opening box a journal entry is read and it transitions to 1958
Seems like the boss lady made the camp to harvest peoples organs
All for her son
Communicating with kid who was gonna get gutted
Game transitions to hospital
Player says they have a chain cutter in backpack, how long? Why not use it earlier (only prompted when story is far enough)
Its a Saw blade
Game ends with mystery being solved, maybe lady was a ghost, who knows
There is an epilogue in another house, not sure about connection
Scare Factor
When night comes the radio turns on in the dark room, ripe for jumpscares
Monster flies across the hallway
Woman is still floating there at end of hallway
Once entering other room a body is dragged away
Breathing nearby also gets louder
Trickling water from bathroom draws me in
Water stops, then the camera focuses on a mystery box
Once picked up, blood leaks from roof
I can see behind me there is a blockade so I am forced into the scare
After throwing down gas, same thing happens in the office but there is a hazmat guy behind
There was a brief period where the developer stated he was on an indefinite hiatus because of people refunding the game ‘taking advantage’ of the system.
This announcement got insane press coverage and reviewers came in droves to call out the refund practice (At this point, not sure if it’s true but consider as a strategy for later)
Excellent short game with plenty of scares
Did extremely well crafting small environments and using them to the absolute max
Note on this, these were *entire* store-bought maps that were tweaked to specifications. Extremely impressive turnaround, take notes (but be wary of people know what you’ve done)