At A Glance
Released: 8/10/15
Reviews: 5,431, net very positive, as of 7/2023
English Reviews: 4,214
Localized in: English
Had Publisher: No
Majority of reviews:
English ~77%
Russian ~5%
Spanish ~4%
Price: $1.99
Review report:
Negatives: Lacking depth and could have been longer/more fleshed out, some people didn’t understand the story and they wanted to
Positives: Succeeded in making people uncomfortable, Creepy atmosphere, seems to have struck a very important chord relating to depression (doing menial tasks even though the MC plans on killing himself afterwards, the hopelessness and growing apathy towards life and everything in it)
Walk around the house
There is a sequence where you chat with someone online (some hooker bot or scam, and it appears to be the only friend the MC has) choices for what to say but it all comes out less seriously through text
Music is droning and foreboding
Minimalist graphics, just enough to get the point across
Boarded up door to keep everything out
MC has an obsession with some painting of trees
Begins in space, a gray amorphous blob in the middle
Tells you how someone died (assume its you)
Lots of static TVs, why?
MC has someone locked in a cage naked, fed him shrimp in a bowl
The painter?
Protagonist commits suicide
Game ends with more stories of death
Scare Factor
Horror came from the story/audio, and the realization of what’s happening
A short, interesting experiment that garnered a lot of attention
Bare in its’ gameplay, but it shines in the heavy-hitting story, such as it is